Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Libya: the day of the war carried out by Libya to negotiate

Sritto for the daily act of 09/03/2011

The Libyan crisis, which every day seems to go away dall'epilogo and confused, the day on Tuesday, marks perhaps the transition from the war waged, whose shares do not appear decisive, however, only when they are not demonstrative, even in their blunt violence, war, politics, diplomacy, negotiation. And the fact that, to throw into the negotiations, even to restrict the possible way out, and the opposition to the regime of Colonel Gaddafi might not be a sign of strength of the insurgents.

And while in various parts of Libya fighting continues between rebels and loyalist forces and behind the scenes is, international issues of military action to be taken or not in the form of 'no fly zone', and dell'estenzione application of sanctions, remain open, and bilateral consultations between the UN, while the 27 EU are preparing for a double-day foreign ministers Thursday, Friday, the Heads of State or Government of the top-Libyans.

The head of the provisional National Council of Libya, the former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, told satellite television al-Jazeera that Muammar Gaddafi if 'leave' the country within 72 hours-that is, until Friday,-ed and put an end bombing, we do not pursue " for his crimes. But at the same Jalil has ruled that "direct negotiations are underway with Gaddafi", which would not have sent emissaries or family members: lawyers Tripoli would offer Cooee intermediaries, it is not clear whether they have a mandate and, if that.

Jalil, whose council intends to prepare the transition to the 'after Gaddafi', said he had talked about now because "it is necessary to reach a settlement to avoid further bloodshed." But state television in the morning had categorically denied that any approach to the rioters. And, after the Council has relaunched its bid, government sources have again denied contact with opponents, dismissing the news to them as mere "junk", "meaningless nonsense".

On the ground, we continue to fight, even if the effectiveness and scope of actions is limited: the envoys on the ground refer to pieces of a puzzle that can not yet, however, make sense of the whole image. Forces loyal to the regime have launched yet another attack against Zawiyah: the siege of the fact Resorts' Strategic just 40 kilometers south-west of the capital Tripoli has been tightened, but for the moment that the rebels continue to patrol resist. The crux of Ras Lanuf oil in the morning, was bombed at least six more times, without, however, this entails victims. According

Jalil, the negotiations involve not only Libya, but also unspecified "international mediators" whose goal would be the resignation of Gaddafi. International diplomacy, in fact, is at work, though, at this time, it seems grind more talk than action: the secretary of the Organization of Islamic Conference, the turkish Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, called on the UN Security Council to "make his duty "to impose on Libya and a 'no-fly zone', already advocated, with some distinction, from the United States and Western countries, but given with reservations from Russia and China (and Beijing, which has big interests and big presence in Libya, would be re-evaluating hypothesis).

Moreover, the crucial hours of international diplomacy could be next: the UN, the Security Council consultations, and in Brussels, NATO defense ministers, tomorrow and Friday, and in parallel, the EU already double date indicated. Friday also will have an emergency meeting of foreign ministers of the Arab League.

In view of the Summit, the EU had already 'reached an agreement on an extension of sanctions on Tripoli, which would affect now, in addition to assets of Gaddafi and his family, including the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), the fund Libyan ruler, plus five other entities, including the Central Bank. Decisions which may to have repercussions in Italy, given the penetration of capital in gfinanza Libyan and Italian companies.

Italy, which El Pais yesterday openly accused of "double game" to Libya and Gaddafi, approaching the top of the next 48 hours between hesitations and contradictions. If the league rule, the word of Umberto Bossi, a participation in a war action already, "because then those would be here with us," the Defense Ministry has already identified in Sigonella, Trapani and Gioia del Colle air bases to be made available Atlantic allies, in case they become the implementation of the 'no fly zone' to prevent the planes to bomb Gaddafi the rioters. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has already ruled out, however, a participation in the Italian media, without prejudice to the possibility of logistical support. He's talked about last night in Palazzo Chigi, where an inter-ministerial meeting has evaluated the development of the Libyan crisis and the possible consequences in terms of the influx of immigrants to Italian shores.


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