Friday, March 4, 2011

Duncan Brownies Box Ingredients

Libya: Obama, Gaddafi has to go, ready for anything

From Obama to Chavez, the particulars of international diplomacy is moving in the Libyan crisis, while the International Criminal Court opens an investigation against Colonel Qaddafi and his sons, "there will be no impunity in Libya," assures Luis Moreno- Ocampo, prosecutor at The Hague. U.S. President Muammar Gaddafi has said that "leave power" and "go away" because he has lost all legitimacy with his people. "History is against him" and the U.S. do not exclude any option, not even the military, but is not explicitly mentioned: "We will take the best decision for the Libyan people and in consultation with the international community the Atlantic Alliance." And yesterday two American warships, an aircraft carrier and a support ship, crossed the Mediterranean in the south, after crossing the Suez Canal.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, international balances of variable crazy, talking on the phone for half an hour with Gaddafi, offering his mediation for a peaceful resolution of conflict Libya: a proposal that the government Tripoli and the Arab League, to the mouth of its leader Amr Moussa, seem inclined to consider, while the United States and ignore the other European registries, with the exception of Spain, reject it.

For the moment, in fact, you do not understand what is happening in Libya, while we are at another Friday, which could be decisive (but it already seemed to have to be last): who is with whom?, Who fights with whom?, nothing is clear.

Hague the UN court opened an investigation "of crimes that were committed against humanity in Libya after February 15, ie after the first signs of revolt in Benghazi. The prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo, which according to El Pais would entrust the investigation to the English judge Garzon, states in a press conference, a number of "incidents" during which peaceful demonstrators were attacked and killed by security forces.

The move of the ICC is one of several indications in recent days came from the UN Security Council. It 's the first time since the Court there since 2002 that an investigation is started in such a short time: under investigation, in addition to Qaddafi, the Foreign Minister, responsible for the security and intelligence.

and diplomacy multiplies consultations and clears the decisions, while the EU Italy and organize humanitarian missions to help refugees from Libya to reach the border with Tunisia. Obama gives manforte: "We are moving to have full capacity to act quickly," especially in cases of humanitarian crisis and "the danger to innocent civilians."

Meanwhile, the emergency emigration gives no respite, even if the flows are currently not evoke certain figures in the biblical exodus. Italy is ready to control the ports of Tunisia to block outward (perhaps, the Colonel of the patrol boats home port change), while the EU remains active with the Frontex mission in Lampedusa and coordinate the evacuation of citizens from the 27 who remain in Libya and the influx of food and basic necessities for North African workers who fled from Libya.

The European Union is very attentive, but also confused. As of yesterday, are in force the sanctions to freeze the assets of Gaddafi in its territory. And Libya is on the agenda of a special European summit on 11 March in Brussels. Well. But Lady Ashton, the head of European diplomacy, he realizes that the same day the foreign ministers under his chairmanship, must be seen in Hungary, for an informal meeting. Logical move would be in Brussels on informal, but the ineffable Baroness prefer to duplicate the meetings: the foreign ministers in Brussels on Libya on 10 and 11 in Hungary to do philosophy, while heads of state and government of Libya speak to them (and hopefully at least say the same thing). Of course, it's all about politics, humanity, and as Obama says, "support those who fight for their rights and are fighting for democracy," but it is also a matter of money: Libya is on the verge of civil war, "said Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, but this crisis - calculates the head of a major industry Serguiei Cemezov Russian public -" it costs us $ 4 billion in arms sales for the failure "after the UN embargo on the export strategy the regime in Tripoli.

And while Paris and London want to make "proposals bold "at the top of the 27 March 11, China, which also set out the UN sanctions and embargo, he discovers that" the priority in Libya is the restoration of stability and not a military intervention to overthrow the regime ": the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu invites you to "take into account the views of Arab and African countries" on the crisis in Libya. Freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, Moscow and Beijing have a price that is calculated in weapons sold and purchased barrels of oil.


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