HTML 5: the importance of semantics
One of the great innovations of ' HTML5 is semantics.
How many of us do use sometimes spasmodic, the tag "div" and still be able to place an item in a given place? Now all these "div" does not allow you to pinpoint the importance of buying the content inserted into it. The attribute "id" then it can take many different values \u200b\u200bactually making it difficult for search engines can detect whether a div is important (because it is the main content of the site) from another div that serves only as a footer.
Then here at least the main segments are identified by their new tags.
fact born in HTML5 tags: header, footer, nav, aside, article, ... .
Each of them will in fact make it clear to the search engines (Google in the lead) if an item is important (because inserted inside the tag "article") than a simple footer.
So a page that we wrote so far:
\u0026lt;div id="wrapper">
\u0026lt;div id="nav">
\u0026lt;li> Home \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> About Us \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ul>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;div id="content"> \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id="footer"> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;div id = "wrapper">
\u0026lt;li> Home \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> About Us \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ul>
\u0026lt;/ nav>
\u0026lt;article> \u0026lt;/ article>
\u0026lt;footer> \u0026lt;/ footer>
\u0026lt;/ div>
This will make it easier for search engines to identify whether the content sought by a user is more or less important.
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