Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good Places To Live In Emerald Triangle

The Lord of the Krupp steel

The Lord
Krupp Stainless Dell

compelling story of Frederick Alfred Krupp, the German steel magnate who lived in the early 900's.


The Krupp family is a German dynasty over 400 years of history, native of Essen, who became famous for steel production and factories munitions and armaments. The family company, better known as Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp in 1999 merged with Thyssen AG to form the ThyssenKrupp (one industrial conglomerate). Krupp, the German vocabulary, has become synonymous with strong (in reference to the quality of the steel).
Friedrich Krupp (1787 - 1826) gave way to steel activities of the family, building a small steel foundry in Essen in 1811. His son, Alfred (1812 - 1887), known as "the Cannon King" or "Alfred the Great", invested heavily in new technologies to become a major manufacturer of locomotives and rolling stock. Also invests in technologies for the cooling of metals (particularly in the Bessemer process) and acquired many mines in Germany and France. He invested in subsidized housing for his workers and launched a program of mutual and pension. The company began to produce steel cannons in the 1840s - in particular for the armies of Russia, Ottoman Empire and Prussia. The low production is not required for military and government subsidy meant that the company specialized more and more in weapons: by the end of the year 1860 the production of armaments represented around 50% of the total production of Krupp. When Alfred started the company had five employees. At his death, twenty thousand people worked for Krupp - making it the largest industrial company in the world.

During World War I, some criticized the policy for the sale of Krupp cannons to the Triple Entente, in addition to the Central Powers, a policy which generated high profits. (It is said that Ford and GM acted similarly during the Second World War, but the U.S. parent companies did not control their German subsidiaries during the conflict.)

After Hitler took power in Germany in 1933 , Krupp became the center of German rearmament. In 1943, by special order of Hitler, the company became a holding company of family and Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (1907-1967), son of Gustav Krupp, took over management. After Germany's defeat, when Gustav proved incapable of going to trial, the Nuremberg Tribunal condemned Alfred as a war criminal (in the so-called "Krupp Trial") for the use of slave labor by the company. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison and forced to sell 75% of its assets. In 1951, with the development of the Cold War and since no buyer came forward, the authorities released him, and in 1953 regained control of the company.

In 1999 the Krupp Group merged with its main competitor, Thyssen AG, the company that resulted, ThyssenKrupp, the German company became the fifth size and a leading producer of steel in the world.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I.c.c Hair Colour Chart

Google back to the office: the smartphone comes Nexus S

You just knew that after the successful publication of the Nexus, in Italy, now comes the Nexus S " that the second version of Nexus.

After working with HTC for the Nexus, Google refuge now in the capable hands of Samsung already produces good Galaxy S . In fact, the Nexus S is a variant of the not too distant Galaxy S.
The good news for sure has the capacity: 1GHz RAM with 16GB flash memory. But ... than its predecessor (and HTC) can not replace the flash memory (the family of Desire For example, you can replace up to a maximum of 32GB, twice the Nexus S).
has installed 2.3 and Android certainly will support at least the next 3.0 and later.
admit to having used the comparison tool to check the differences between an older model S and Nexus (Nexus One, in a case) ... Hear hear: talk-time is greater than 10 hours against 6 for the old Nexus, Flash removable Nexus (Nexus S, right) while the new Nexus beats the old only for the internal memory 1.5 GB against 512.
Well .... let's see what happens ...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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BrowserLab: test your site on different browsers and platforms

One of the innovations introduced with the CS5, was the creation of the online service "BrowserLab.
This service is free unless registration through Adobe ID - what they used to download demo versions from the official site, allows you to test "as you see" your site on different browser platforms. There is even still Internet Explorer 6 (for those who are still customers "backwards compatible") as well as the latest release as Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox beta 4 beta .
Being online is a constantly updated service.

Below I attach a screenshot of explanation:
For more info:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Libya: the day of the war carried out by Libya to negotiate

Sritto for the daily act of 09/03/2011

The Libyan crisis, which every day seems to go away dall'epilogo and confused, the day on Tuesday, marks perhaps the transition from the war waged, whose shares do not appear decisive, however, only when they are not demonstrative, even in their blunt violence, war, politics, diplomacy, negotiation. And the fact that, to throw into the negotiations, even to restrict the possible way out, and the opposition to the regime of Colonel Gaddafi might not be a sign of strength of the insurgents.

And while in various parts of Libya fighting continues between rebels and loyalist forces and behind the scenes is, international issues of military action to be taken or not in the form of 'no fly zone', and dell'estenzione application of sanctions, remain open, and bilateral consultations between the UN, while the 27 EU are preparing for a double-day foreign ministers Thursday, Friday, the Heads of State or Government of the top-Libyans.

The head of the provisional National Council of Libya, the former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, told satellite television al-Jazeera that Muammar Gaddafi if 'leave' the country within 72 hours-that is, until Friday,-ed and put an end bombing, we do not pursue " for his crimes. But at the same Jalil has ruled that "direct negotiations are underway with Gaddafi", which would not have sent emissaries or family members: lawyers Tripoli would offer Cooee intermediaries, it is not clear whether they have a mandate and, if that.

Jalil, whose council intends to prepare the transition to the 'after Gaddafi', said he had talked about now because "it is necessary to reach a settlement to avoid further bloodshed." But state television in the morning had categorically denied that any approach to the rioters. And, after the Council has relaunched its bid, government sources have again denied contact with opponents, dismissing the news to them as mere "junk", "meaningless nonsense".

On the ground, we continue to fight, even if the effectiveness and scope of actions is limited: the envoys on the ground refer to pieces of a puzzle that can not yet, however, make sense of the whole image. Forces loyal to the regime have launched yet another attack against Zawiyah: the siege of the fact Resorts' Strategic just 40 kilometers south-west of the capital Tripoli has been tightened, but for the moment that the rebels continue to patrol resist. The crux of Ras Lanuf oil in the morning, was bombed at least six more times, without, however, this entails victims. According

Jalil, the negotiations involve not only Libya, but also unspecified "international mediators" whose goal would be the resignation of Gaddafi. International diplomacy, in fact, is at work, though, at this time, it seems grind more talk than action: the secretary of the Organization of Islamic Conference, the turkish Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, called on the UN Security Council to "make his duty "to impose on Libya and a 'no-fly zone', already advocated, with some distinction, from the United States and Western countries, but given with reservations from Russia and China (and Beijing, which has big interests and big presence in Libya, would be re-evaluating hypothesis).

Moreover, the crucial hours of international diplomacy could be next: the UN, the Security Council consultations, and in Brussels, NATO defense ministers, tomorrow and Friday, and in parallel, the EU already double date indicated. Friday also will have an emergency meeting of foreign ministers of the Arab League.

In view of the Summit, the EU had already 'reached an agreement on an extension of sanctions on Tripoli, which would affect now, in addition to assets of Gaddafi and his family, including the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), the fund Libyan ruler, plus five other entities, including the Central Bank. Decisions which may to have repercussions in Italy, given the penetration of capital in gfinanza Libyan and Italian companies.

Italy, which El Pais yesterday openly accused of "double game" to Libya and Gaddafi, approaching the top of the next 48 hours between hesitations and contradictions. If the league rule, the word of Umberto Bossi, a participation in a war action already, "because then those would be here with us," the Defense Ministry has already identified in Sigonella, Trapani and Gioia del Colle air bases to be made available Atlantic allies, in case they become the implementation of the 'no fly zone' to prevent the planes to bomb Gaddafi the rioters. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has already ruled out, however, a participation in the Italian media, without prejudice to the possibility of logistical support. He's talked about last night in Palazzo Chigi, where an inter-ministerial meeting has evaluated the development of the Libyan crisis and the possible consequences in terms of the influx of immigrants to Italian shores.

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: yes force in international law

Written for the daily act of 08/03/2011

Helping people by force in an uprising to overthrow the tyrant? The first answer is yes of course and without hesitation, in international law. But, then, Libya is not a unique case: the dictatorships face of the earth is not counted on the fingers, from Belarus to Kazakhstan, our friends, from North Korea to Zimbabwe, Iran or Saudi Arabia, a whole panoply of absolute regimes, feudal, theocratic, veteran or post-communist . And, then, that the West takes time for human rights should not be reduced to the question whether to give the final blow to the arms of the tyrant who sways, not even much know who is helping, if a people thirsting for freedom or a congregation or a clique of fundamentalist rivals of the despot. The West, and especially with regard to Libya 'Italy, would have to avoid decades of complicity and connivance, in the sign business and interest, passed off in the value of stability. We have done too many times: 1956 Budapest insurgents are still waiting in their graves aid promised. But that was the World of Yalta, this is the Mediterranean cradle of many civilizations that Gaddafi and his accomplices, wherever they are, deny them all.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Illuminating Butterfly

HTML 5: the importance of semantics

One of the great innovations of ' HTML5 is semantics.
How many of us do use sometimes spasmodic, the tag "div" and still be able to place an item in a given place? Now all these "div" does not allow you to pinpoint the importance of buying the content inserted into it. The attribute "id" then it can take many different values \u200b\u200bactually making it difficult for search engines can detect whether a div is important (because it is the main content of the site) from another div that serves only as a footer.

Then here at least the main segments are identified by their new tags.
fact born in HTML5 tags: header, footer, nav, aside, article, ... .

Each of them will in fact make it clear to the search engines (Google in the lead) if an item is important (because inserted inside the tag "article") than a simple footer.
So a page that we wrote so far:

\u0026lt;div id="wrapper">
\u0026lt;div id="nav">
\u0026lt;li> Home \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> About Us \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ul>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;div id="content"> \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id="footer"> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>


\u0026lt;div id = "wrapper">
\u0026lt;li> Home \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> About Us \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ul>
\u0026lt;/ nav>
\u0026lt;article> \u0026lt;/ article>
\u0026lt;footer> \u0026lt;/ footer>
\u0026lt;/ div>

This will make it easier for search engines to identify whether the content sought by a user is more or less important.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Marithè Francois Girbaud Outlet

Moving an object in Flash using the mouse wheel (mouse wheel event)

In this tutorial we'll see how you can move an object (in this example a movie clip) by using the mouse wheel (event in jargon called the "mouse wheel").

Given a movie clip on the Stage (called "clip_mc"), the first frame we write the following code:

stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, MOVEit)

MOVEit function (evt: MouseEvent)

{if (> 0) {

clip_mc.y + = 2;} else {

clip_mc.y-= 2;}

} As you can see the key to whether we are moving the mouse in one direction or another is the property "delta" of the MouseEvent class. If it is negative the clip down (clip_mc.y + = 2) on the contrary, salt.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dickie's Vs Carhart Pants

Josef Fritzl: Monster In The Family

Josef Fritzl: Monster In The Family

The story of the monster of Amstetten, that his daughter kept segregated for 24 years, violent and generous with her seven children.


The case concerns
Fritzl Elisabeth Fritzl (Amstetten, April 8, 1966), an Austrian woman who lived for 24 years imprisoned in an underground bunker built by his father, the engineer Josef Fritzl (Amstetten, April 9, 1935) in the basement of their home . During the entire period of captivity have followed the sexual abuse by man and by these incestuous relationships were born seven children.
Elisabeth's father is accused of murder to one of the children born from incest. Elisabeth says Josef was present when the child's face turned purple for breathing problems and that his parents refused to take him to the doctor, replicating "What may happen." Later it will burn the corpse in the incinerator of the house, they throw the ashes in the garden. At first, Josef Fritzl is defended by stating that the child had died in his presence, then retracted, and confessed to the murder.
The act
August 24 [1] 1984, Fritzl (49 years) kidnaps his daughter Elisabeth (who was then 18 years) and locked up in the cellar of the house in Amstetten, Austria. Elisabeth said he tried to run away from home just before the kidnapping and asked for help to the police account of the first abuse, but, not being believed his statements, was brought to his family and as a result of this episode, the father decided to desegregate. Joseph thus concealed his daughter for 24 years, bringing them food and clothing for the entire period of captivity, on average once every three days. He has repeatedly raped. Elisabeth had seven children by her father, one of whom died shortly after birth in 1996. There are still many obscure points in the story, one of which the role of the mother of Elisabeth and Josef's wife, who said he had never realized (until a week before his arrest) nor the presence of the bunker her daughter or grandchildren imprisoned. It seems that she has always believed her husband when the version maintained that Elisabeth had joined a religious sect and again, over the years, when he pretended to find three babies on the doorstep with tickets who called attention to the parents by the child.
The discovery
On 19 April 2008 Kerstin feels ill, the father / grandfather agrees to accompany her to hospital. Elisabeth helped his father to release her daughter from prison is the first time in 24 years that saw the light. Kerstin was admitted to hospital, accompanied by her father / grandfather and a few days after the mother is also allowed to visit her daughter in hospital. At first Elisabeth, for fear of repercussions, not even telling his imprisonment. Only when doctors reassured him about his future protection accuses father, whose murder is then discovered on April 26. Elisabeth is so free after more than 8,000 days of segregation and her children with her. Josef was arrested by the police.
Josef Fritzl was sentenced to life in prison March 19, 2009 and will be incarcerated in a mental institution.
Josef Fritzl is accused of incest, rape, kidnapping and manslaughter, crimes for which he expressed full confession.


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Cookbooks Reader : a handy app for Android AIR

Android For all users and lovers at the same time of the Flash Platform (ActionScript 3, Flash, Flash Player, Flash Builder, etc. ..) we point out this very interesting application developed by mart3 :
Cookbooks reader.
The app allows you to see - as a simple feed reader - info on various topics covered in the Cookbook section of the Adobe Flash Platform.
Accurate and functional, the same highlights the potential of Flash (as was done in AIR).

Below the video demonstration created by mart3.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From Manhanttan To Woodbury Outlet

Wallaby on the Flash Platform: How to Convert Flash CS5 in HTML5 and CSS3

Wallaby is the new tool made in Adobe that allows you to convert your Flash CS5 ( FLA) in HTML5 pages .
Obviously the project - currently in testing - not yet allowed a lot, but our animations (simple) animations in Flash can be as many built in HTML5 cn jQuery and SVG file.
The application has been made of AIR, so you need to have installed on your machine run the Adobe AIR ( free )
order to convert the Flash files step is very simple: just select the FLA file!

Errors, Wallaby will create all the files necessary for us to reuse, modify, etc. .. with Dreamweaver.

The application is free and can be freely downloaded from the site " Adobe Labs.

For more info:

How Soon Before Period Does The Cervix Open

Ross Kemp: Disaster in the Amazon

Ross Kemp: Disaster in the Amazon

'Ross Kemp: Disaster in the Amazon' is a two-part documentary that examines the socio-economic and environmental pressures regarding the Amazon region of Brazil, Ecuador and Peru, to explore the legacy of devastation created by a growing global energy, food and mineral resources. The first part investigates how the oil companies are ravaging many parts of the Amazon to meet global energy needs and deforestation due to cattle ranches and plantations soybeans. The second part investigates how the global demand for cocaine is leading to further deforestation and how the rising price of gold has meant that people destroy the rainforest trying to earn a living. This is a fascinating documentary of life in the Amazon UK presented by actor Ross Kemp.




Monday, March 7, 2011

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0.9 amps - History electroshock

0.9 amps - History electroshock

Invented in the '30s by an Italian neurologist, Ugo Cerletti, electroshock is one of the most controversial therapeutic techniques. But you can judge without prejudice?

Ugo Cerletti (Conegliano, September 26, 1877 - Rome, July 25, 1963) was an Italian psychiatrist and neurologist. Creator of electroconvulsive therapy, commonly known as electroshock, used to treat certain mental disorders.
Scientific activities
Cerletti came to use electroshock therapy on humans as a result of the experiments he conducted on animals about the neurological consequences of repeated seizures. In Genoa, and later in Rome, used electroshock equipment for repeatable and controllable cause seizures in dogs and other animals. The idea of \u200b\u200busing the TEC neuropsychiatric patients came after observing that some pigs were anesthetized with an electric shock before being taken to a slaughterhouse. Should also be noted that since 1935, metrazol (a convulsant drug) and insulin were widely used in many countries for the treatment of schizophrenia, with interesting results.
The idea underlying the approach was based on research by Nobel Prize winner Julius Wagner-Jauregg through the use of malaria-induced convulsions to treat some nervous and mental disorders - such as paralytic dementia caused by syphilis - as well as the theories developed by Ladislas Meduna, according to which schizophrenia and epilepsy were antagonistic disorders, research and theories that led in 1933 Manfred Sakel to develop "insulin coma therapy" in psychiatry.
Cerletti first used for electroconvulsive therapy in April 1938, in collaboration with Lucio Bini, a patient suffering from schizophrenia with symptoms of delirium, hallucinations and confusion, a series of electroshock therapy allowed the patient to return to a normal state of mind. Consequently, in subsequent years, Cerletti and his staff carry out regular electroshock therapy, both in animals and neuropsychiatric patients, coming to determine the reliability of therapy and its safety and usefulness in clinical practice, especially for the treatment of manic- depression, and severe cases of depression. His work and his research had a significant influence, and the use of therapy quickly spread throughout the world.
In his long career as a psychiatrist and neurologist, published Cerletti 113 scientific work on the pathology of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease, the structure of glial cells, the normal and pathological nervous tissue, on congenital syphilis, hormones and endemic goiter.
should also remember some of his foreign contributions to medicine: the design of white overalls for camouflage of the Alpine troops, and the invention of a fuze for artillery to blast delayed.
Chiavenna is buried in the cemetery, near his father and his wife Antoinette Marzolo (died 1977).


Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Former Yugoslavia: Belgrade wants the 'traitor' who defended Sarajevo

Written by The Fact's Daily 05/03/2011

Fifteen or more years are not enough to erase the horrors and aftermath of a bloody war that 'the Balkans from 1992 to 1995 and who left open wounds and recriminations in the two fields, after having made tens of thousands of victims. If the 'most wanted 1' of the conflict remains the Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic, whose failure to deliver to international justice is one of the obstacles to the path of Serbia towards the EU, the Austrian police arrested on Thursday ', at the airport in Vienna, the Vienna, the Bosnian General Jovan Divjak, shot by a Serbian arrest warrant for war crimes. The general was making a stopover in Vienna because he was from Sarajevo to Bologna.

between Serbian forces and Bosnian protests, the immediate one and the other, the Austrian interior ministry confirmed that the retired general now has 74-years-was delivered to the court for its ruling on the extradition request Serbia. Yesterday, the court in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, confirmed the detention of 14 days for Divjak, a decision against which the general can 'appeal. But an examination of the practice of extradition could take months. More or less spontaneous demonstrations were held yesterday in Sarajevo before the embassies of Austria and Serbia, and others are announced today.

While diplomatic messages arriving in Vienna to sign the contrasting-Bosnia in Belgrade denounced the attempt to relativize its responsibilities, Serbia announced the formalization of the extradition request, also in Belgrade, where Divjak is also considered a traitor, c 'is critics of the arrest: NGOs argue that the authorities would be better used to arrest and deliver Mladic to the Hague Court as well as Goran Hadzic, the last two Serbian war criminals sought by international justice.

General is one of the 19 officers arrested Bosnian Serb accused by the judiciary for the attack on a column of the then Yugoslav Army in Sarajevo, in May 1992, at the beginning of the conflict. According to the reconstruction of Serbia, Yugoslavia 42 soldiers were killed, 73 wounded and 215 captured in the action launched against the Bosnian army column jusoslava, despite the convoy was escorted by UN forces and had been guaranteed to be able to leave the city free . After that, the Bosnian Serb forces besieged Sarajevo for 43 months, at least 14 000 victims.

mionistero The Serbian Justice confirmed that it had issued an international arrest warrant for Divjak, a Serb who deserted 'by the Yugoslav army after the bombing of Sarajevo in April 1992 and will step' to the Bosnian military, predominantly Muslim , where he became Deputy Chief of Staff.

Leaving his uniform, Divjak, which in Bosnia has the respect of all ethnic groups, has set up an NGO, 'L'education build Bosnia', which has enabled hundreds of Bosnian war orphans to obtain scholarships.

is not the first time that a senior Bosnian was arrested abroad, pursuant to a warrant of arrest for acts dating back to the Serbian Serbian-Bosnian conflict. Last year, at Heathrow, the largest airport in London, was stopped Ejup Ganic, a member of the Presidency of the Bosnian war, but a British court the issue 'for lack of evidence against him. And the mayor of Tuzla in the days of the conflict, Ilija Jurisic, was arrested in Belgrade in 2008 and released last year, after more than two years in prison, also for lack of evidence.

The issue of war crimes committed in conflicts in the Balkans in the Nineties continues Trubar in relations between the republics of former Yugoslavia, at that time hostile to one another. Thursday ', for example, Serbia has dropped, again for lack of evidence, the charges against a Croat in Bosnia arrested on arrest in Belgrade.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Phazer Carb Adjustment

Modern Marvels: F-14

Modern Marvels: F-14

The F-14 Tomcat is the most lethal combat aircraft: no other jet has its special combination of weapons and technology.

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic twin-engine fighter jet, and two-seater with a variable geometry wing. Developed in the United States of America in the late sixties, the plane came in response to the program of the United States Navy Naval Fighter Experimental (VFX) that followed the collapse of the project, General Dynamics / Grumman F-111B.
The F-14 flew for the first time in December 1970 and became operational in 1974 with the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Enterprise (CVN-65), replacing the F-4 Phantom II. The F-14 operated by the U.S. Navy as the primary air superiority fighter, interceptor for fleet defense and tactical reconnaissance platform. In the nineties he was adding the ability to take on the pod Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) and began operating as a strike aircraft to suolo.L 'F-14 was retired from active service by the U.S. on September 22 2006 and was replaced by the F / A-18E / F Super Hornet.Al 2010, the F-14 is operating only with Havayi Niru-ye-ye-e Artesh Jomhuri-ye Eslami-e Iran, Iran Air Force, where it was exported in 1976 when that country had more favorable diplomatic relations with the United States.
In January 2007, was announced by the U.S. Department of Defense, that any sale of spare parts for F-14 would have been suspended because of concerns they could end up in Iran. The announcement was reported that the decision was taken "in view of the current situation in Iran." On July 2, 2007, the remaining F-14 U.S., were demolished to prevent the parts end up being bought by governments hostile to the Americans. Yes estimate that Iran has 44 F-14, including 20 operational in 2009.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Duncan Brownies Box Ingredients

Libya: Obama, Gaddafi has to go, ready for anything

From Obama to Chavez, the particulars of international diplomacy is moving in the Libyan crisis, while the International Criminal Court opens an investigation against Colonel Qaddafi and his sons, "there will be no impunity in Libya," assures Luis Moreno- Ocampo, prosecutor at The Hague. U.S. President Muammar Gaddafi has said that "leave power" and "go away" because he has lost all legitimacy with his people. "History is against him" and the U.S. do not exclude any option, not even the military, but is not explicitly mentioned: "We will take the best decision for the Libyan people and in consultation with the international community the Atlantic Alliance." And yesterday two American warships, an aircraft carrier and a support ship, crossed the Mediterranean in the south, after crossing the Suez Canal.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, international balances of variable crazy, talking on the phone for half an hour with Gaddafi, offering his mediation for a peaceful resolution of conflict Libya: a proposal that the government Tripoli and the Arab League, to the mouth of its leader Amr Moussa, seem inclined to consider, while the United States and ignore the other European registries, with the exception of Spain, reject it.

For the moment, in fact, you do not understand what is happening in Libya, while we are at another Friday, which could be decisive (but it already seemed to have to be last): who is with whom?, Who fights with whom?, nothing is clear.

Hague the UN court opened an investigation "of crimes that were committed against humanity in Libya after February 15, ie after the first signs of revolt in Benghazi. The prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo, which according to El Pais would entrust the investigation to the English judge Garzon, states in a press conference, a number of "incidents" during which peaceful demonstrators were attacked and killed by security forces.

The move of the ICC is one of several indications in recent days came from the UN Security Council. It 's the first time since the Court there since 2002 that an investigation is started in such a short time: under investigation, in addition to Qaddafi, the Foreign Minister, responsible for the security and intelligence.

and diplomacy multiplies consultations and clears the decisions, while the EU Italy and organize humanitarian missions to help refugees from Libya to reach the border with Tunisia. Obama gives manforte: "We are moving to have full capacity to act quickly," especially in cases of humanitarian crisis and "the danger to innocent civilians."

Meanwhile, the emergency emigration gives no respite, even if the flows are currently not evoke certain figures in the biblical exodus. Italy is ready to control the ports of Tunisia to block outward (perhaps, the Colonel of the patrol boats home port change), while the EU remains active with the Frontex mission in Lampedusa and coordinate the evacuation of citizens from the 27 who remain in Libya and the influx of food and basic necessities for North African workers who fled from Libya.

The European Union is very attentive, but also confused. As of yesterday, are in force the sanctions to freeze the assets of Gaddafi in its territory. And Libya is on the agenda of a special European summit on 11 March in Brussels. Well. But Lady Ashton, the head of European diplomacy, he realizes that the same day the foreign ministers under his chairmanship, must be seen in Hungary, for an informal meeting. Logical move would be in Brussels on informal, but the ineffable Baroness prefer to duplicate the meetings: the foreign ministers in Brussels on Libya on 10 and 11 in Hungary to do philosophy, while heads of state and government of Libya speak to them (and hopefully at least say the same thing). Of course, it's all about politics, humanity, and as Obama says, "support those who fight for their rights and are fighting for democracy," but it is also a matter of money: Libya is on the verge of civil war, "said Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, but this crisis - calculates the head of a major industry Serguiei Cemezov Russian public -" it costs us $ 4 billion in arms sales for the failure "after the UN embargo on the export strategy the regime in Tripoli.

And while Paris and London want to make "proposals bold "at the top of the 27 March 11, China, which also set out the UN sanctions and embargo, he discovers that" the priority in Libya is the restoration of stability and not a military intervention to overthrow the regime ": the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu invites you to "take into account the views of Arab and African countries" on the crisis in Libya. Freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, Moscow and Beijing have a price that is calculated in weapons sold and purchased barrels of oil.

La Agitator Diego Rivera

Mysteries of the Deep: The ghost train

Mysteries of the Deep: The ghost train

No shipwrecks nearby. No plausible explanation. So why two locomotives lie on the ocean floor in front of New Jersey?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does Anyone Offer Layaway?

Libyan / Gaddafi Silvio is if I stay too

Written by The Fact's Daily 03/03/2011
Muammar Gaddafi
neither resigned nor abdicated. Indeed, in words he is more than ever, the strongman of a regime sfaldatosi in two weeks, but s'abbarbica in power. "Berlusconi said that I did not check Libya? I answer that the family Gaddafi is Libya. " A quote (conscious?) De "l'Etat c'est moi" of Louis XIV, the Sun King, contained in a speech to the delegates of the People's Libyan river, at the 34.o anniversary of the proclamation of Jamahiriya, the Republic of the masses.

Italy, the former colonial power in the fight against Libya, which has built its weak national identity, often returns in a speech Gaddafi: Libya, says, "after a manifestation of all the oil companies have withdrawn, "while in Italy," there were demonstrations in thirty cities to demand the resignation of Berlusconi, but no oil company is gone "(and even has run Berlusconi resigned).

The Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini says that "the rhetoric of anti-Italian" Colonel "is a sign of weakness", "Search for someone against whom to point the finger is a sign of weakness", as Qadhafi should rather remember that " Italy has demonstrated profound friendship towards the people libibo, to which Italy intends to assert a feeling of closeness and consideration. " The dictator of Tripoli, the law thus: 'We have forced Italy' to apologize for colonialism and to pay damages, "Italy I kissed her hand and West if they feel insulted."

That the Colonel is a counter-media, as well as military, surrounded by his loyalists, the host of Libya denies having a political role for 40 years, because "it is the power of the people", and claims to earn 465 dinars, not even EUR 275 per month, and not to possess goods and capital, because "my wealth is the Libyan people."

The scene of this discourse is much more successful than that, spectral, delivered shortly after the start of the insurgency, where the U.S. planes bombed in April 1986. The tone is ominous, for its own people and foreign interests in Libya, "the regime is ready to replace with Chinese enterprises and Indian companies andatesene, despite" the oil fields and terminals are safe 'yet, oil production "is at its lowest," because of the escape of foreign workers dictated by fear.

to the Libyans in rebellion, Gaddafi shake the carrot. Amnesty for all those who surrender their weapons and return to their homes, but also the refrain of a worn-out riot-led al-Qaida "The terrorist organization has entered into the prison has recruited criminals and armed them," and even "A former Guantanamo detainee has run self-proclaimed emir of Derna", a port in the east of the country, "and began to groups of people executed every day. "

The stick is for the alleged external enemies. "There will be thousands of deaths if there is a military intervention by U.S. or NATO in Libya. "They want us to return slaves, as eravmo under the Italians? I would never accept, we will enter into a bloody war 'and' fight for Libya to the last man and woman. "

But there is also a kind Opening the UN, which the colonel wants to send a commission of inquiry to Libya to try out the massacres of civilians attributed to his regime. "In America, France, wherever the people who attacked a military depot to steal the weapons would be affected." The false statements to him about what happened in Libya would be "a plot to take our oil and our land."

Words Funeral Flowers

WikiLeaks: War, Lies and Videotape

WikiLeaks: War, Lies and Videotape

Wikileaks: war, lies and videotape, the unpublished documentary which traces the birth, evolution and the scandals of the most discussed and controversial website of the decade.

Wikileaks is an international non-profit that creates private and secret statements taken from anonymous sources. At the end of 2010, the site has caused a sensation by publishing hundreds of thousands of U.S. military and diplomatic documents. Wikileaks: war, lies and videotape tells the story of the charismatic founder and number one enemy of Julian Assange Pentagon, which tells of the reasons for the creation of the organization Wikileaks and the impact that has had worldwide.
The French reporter Paul Moreira and Luc Hermann, writers and directors of the documentary, traveled from London to Washington, from Reykjavik to Paris to talk with journalists from Wikileaks and hackers who, defying the rules of military secrets, are fighting for transparency.
For Paul and for me it was extremely complex turn - says Luc Hermann - especially close to Julian Assange and his team. We have been to London twice to get them to talk without cameras. They were under pressure, very cautious, witnesses the impact that their activities had resulted in recent months.
The documentary also includes an interview with Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a former number two and Wikileaks spokesman for the team before the opening of its website and the publication of his book Inside Wikileaks, which will arrive Feb. 16 in Italian bookshops published by Marsilio Editori, where he tells his experience alongside Assange site in the world more dangerous. Daniel is now a dissident, has left the team for conflict with the organization, according He too focused on the figure of Julian Assange.
The documentary is a window on the world of Wikileaks and the effect that his revelations have had on the media.



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cut On Roof Of Mouth Bleeds When I Eat

crime: the crime of Cogne

crime: the crime of Cogne

Anna Maria found the mangled body of his son Samuel. Surveys reveal the most tragic of the suspects. Start one of the most debated cases in recent years.

More Info
the Cogne crime was a case of murder January 30, 2002 in a house in Montroz (pronounced Showcases, sometimes spelled as "Montrod"), a hamlet of Cogne to the detriment of a child of three years, Samuele Lorenzi.
On 21 May 2008, the Supreme Court finally recognized as guilty of the murder of the little mother, Annamaria Franzoni.
The case had a significant importance mainly because of the media talk show Porta a Porta conducted by Bruno Vespa, and the apparent Decision of the defense to use the television to get public support, at least in the early stages of the process that followed, in fact split between innocent and guilty.

the Cogne crime in fact
the morning of January 30, 2002, at 8, 28, 118 received a call from Annamaria Franzoni who asked excitedly help, saying he had just found the three year old son, Samuele Lorenzi, in his own bed and that they "vomited blood."
Franzoni, at 8, 27, also warned the family doctor, Ada Satragni, who intervened first, suggested an unlikely natural cause, a brain aneurysm, insisting for some time on this version and even confirmed in a television interview, during which went so far as to say that the crying baby found alone in the house could have caused "The opening of the head." Indeed there was a deep, jagged wound on the child's head, from which came out of the gray matter and conspicuously had been procured by violent action. The doctor also washed his face and head of the small house and moved it out - despite the intense cold - on a makeshift stretcher with a pillow. These gestures, certainly motivated by the urgent resuscitation, however, have irreparably altered the crime scene and the same conditions of the victim.
occurring in the rescue of the 118 helicopter, also because of the condition of the premises, it soon became clear that the devastating injuries on the child's head were the result of a deliberate act of violence. They were therefore alerted the police, who carried out then the first visits in the chalet.
Little was pronounced dead at 9, 55. The autopsy revealed the real cause as a series of shots - at least seventeen - sferratigli the head with a blunt object. Victim on the head of the small micro-traces of copper were found, suggesting that the child had been hit with an object made with this metal, such as a decorative spoon. They were also found minor injuries on his hands, probably due to an extreme and desperate attempt of defense. Forty days after the crime Annamaria Franzoni was registered as crime reports on charges of murder.
After the first trial, in 2004, Franzoni was convicted by a summary procedure to the punishment of 30 years in prison. The conviction was later reiterated in the court of appeal, which ended April 27, 2007 in a ruling that reduced the sentence to 16 years, which by the granting of extenuating circumstances, which were considered equivalent aggravating the offense was committed against the their offspring.
proposed Franzoni's lawyers then appealed to the Supreme Court, awaiting the decision the woman was free: the judges ruled out the existence of precautionary demands (risk of flight, of tampering with evidence, re-offending).
Annamaria Franzoni's defense passed, in chronological order, the famous lawyer Carlo Federico Grosso (Italian luminary and professor), Carlo Taormina (Italian political and parliamentary), and finally, after the abandonment of the defense by Taormina in protest, even after a long and much-discussed campaign that saw Taormina engaged in the dual role of lawyer and parliamentarian, in a legal office, Paola Savio.


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Germany: minister 'cut and paste' resigns, Mr. B is not

Written by The Fact's Daily 02/03/2011

Minister patrol boats of the German government of Angela Merkel has run resigned because he plagiarized the thesis: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, married von Bismarck, a concentrate of all the nobility of his country, responsible for defense, has not stood in front of the charges against him, despite his denials and support never negatogli chancellor. The storm on

zu Guttenberg had unleashed in mid-February, when a German newspaper, the Süddeutsche Zeiteung, had published the first revelations about the thesis copied. But Merkel had argued to the pie 'firm' with a heavy heart "has accepted the resignation es'é that" certain "to go back to work one day with a man who showed" with a passion "and that has been able to "touch people's hearts."

For the moment, the baron, a young, 39 years, the most popular minister of the Merkel government, he resigned all his political: "I was always ready to fight, he said, announcing his resignation," but I've reached the limit of my strength: "I offer my apologies to all those who have offended, "have now added the former minister, evoking the sense of responsibility and denouncing" the massive critical to my credibility. "

His denials, the backing of Merkel and the plebiscite in favor of public (three out of four Germans were opposed to the resignation) is not enough for an epilogue Italian: no one leaves the place and everyone is happy (So \u200b\u200bno one will do it itself). In two weeks, allegations of plagiarism have got the better of KT, as his fans call the Baron minister.

Mind you, not that you do not understand the seriousness of the charges against zu Guttenberg, who would have copied the idea, compared to the little things which are sometimes blamed on our politicians, corruption, extortion, abuse, exploitation of a minor, perhaps. In America, for plagiarism, there are those who played the White House has run, as somebody has run resigned as minister for taking a baby-sitter in black and deputy for having betrayed his wife.

Minister atypical-the definition of AFP-, zu Guttenberg, Doctor of Law from 2007, head of economics in February 2009, then the defense eight months later, is political and popular man of the world use to feed his wife, beautiful and elegant, the gossip columns. His name was even mentioned among the successors of Merkel, who will now have to choose a new defense minister, in the ranks of the CSU, the 'sister' Bavarian's CDU, which owns the misconduct.

zu Guttenberg's fall was accelerated by the 'race for plagiarism' was unleashed on the internet after the release of the allegations: the minister had now become the Baron 'cut and paste' or Baron 'von Googleberg'. On 23, the University Bayreuth him off the title, over 50 000 academic sent an indignant letter to the chancellor, fired on the press' 'liar' and calls for the resignation multiplied in the same conservative camp. Self-defense of

zu Guttenberg was neither clear nor convincing denials and partial admissions, as more significant. And the scope of Merkel became ever more closely, in a difficult context of the government, defeated in February elections in Hamburg and expected competition from six other regional elections this year.

In announcing his resignation, zu Guttenberg, however, has found a high tone, which did not always had in the last two weeks: "It 's the most painful step of my life. And I do not go away just because of my PhD thesis so full of errors ... The reason lies in the question of whether I can still meet the expectations that I consider to derive from my responsibilities as any other ... I take responsibility for my weaknesses and My mistake: those big and small ones on the political agenda, to the preparation of my doctoral thesis ... Many may wonder why I just resign today. First there is a very human reason: to believe that nobody can easily resign from the more deeply to his heart ... It 's my belief that the public interest as well as my own interest that the Prosecutor's investigations, for example in relation to issues of copyright, may be carried out quickly, once lose his parliamentary immunity, if that were necessary ... In this sense I agree with my opponents actually had not been called to the Minister of self-defense, but the Ministry of Defence. It will conclude with an unusual sentence for a politician: I was always ready to fight, but I reached the limits of my strength. "

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Mystery Night: The Exorcist

Mystery Night: The Exorcist

Mystery Night with Rodolfo Course: The Exorcist. The real story ...
The evil can creep into the body of a man or a woman? And the exorcists are actually able to move it away?

More info
For exorcism is a set of practices and rituals designed to drive an alleged evil or demonic presence by a person, an animal or a place. These practices are very old and are part of the beliefs of various religions.
What a supernatural being can take possession of a living being or of a place is a widespread belief in many religions, particularly in shamanic beliefs. I held are not bad nor wholly responsible for their actions. The person conducting the exorcism exorcist is called. The Exorcist use prayers, inclusive formula, gestures, symbols, and even icons, relics, blessed objects.

Scientific point of view
During the supposed demonic possession which was attended by scholars (scientists or doctors) for scientific studies, have never been recorded paranormal activity, and were also traced to cases of mental disorder cases studied . It is important to note that in cases where the phenomenon of mental illness is expressed differently according to the rules of their culture and believes that it is precisely and only consequence of a religious belief.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Mengele Brood Infernal

Mengele Brood Infernal

In a country in the south of Brazil there are about 38 pairs of twins blonde with blue eyes. What 's wrong with it? Perhaps they are the results of experiments of Josef Mengele, the Auschwitz doctor.

Josef Mengele (German pronunciation: (Günzburg, March 16, 1911 - Bertioga, February 7, 1979) was a physician and Nazi German SS officer.

Research and experiments on twins
Among the research conducted by Mengele in the field, those to which he devoted more energy and attention (Already conducted one year before the Auschwitz) were reserved for the twins. In particular, concentrated his attention on the Mengele twins. The same Mengele went to the wharf, where trains arrive prisoners, to see the twins as soon as he came down. The groups of twins, included individuals of different ages, from children to seniors, including senior was chosen, which assumed the function of Zwillingsvater (Capogemelli or father of the twins), to further distinguish them from other prisoners, were tattooed with also the number two letters ZW (ie Zwillinge). Of his research in KZ (Konzentrationslager, concentration camp) Mengele always kept informed of his former university professor, Von Verschuer also sent the Institute of Racial Biology in Berlin, specimens and reports. Mengele twins analyzed together, which applied in research of comparable type. In his analysis of identical twins, Mengele measurements, photographs, blood samples are often at each visit. Some twins surviving the other hand, argue that the search for Mengele also applies to other practices: use of chemicals to analyze the reaction of the skin, or pressure on the body to measure resistance or injections.
On the relation between Mengele and the twins there are conflicting testimonies. An assistant of the same Mengele, Dr.. Miklos Nyiszli testified that Mengele was the same to kill (told in a particular episode where killed in one night, one after the other, 14 twins of Gypsy origin). As for the other prisoners, other than twins, there are some doubts: killed by shooting directly or through various injections of phenol. Others, like his assistant, Teresa W., said he had never heard about that Mengele twins who killed a student, and using the same, if such a thing had occurred to her would be impossible not to get to know . Objectively, beyond this, the twins led the field a better life than other prisoners (and this just by virtue of being subjected to a search of that Mengele) was in fact allowed them to continue to wear clothing originating and not to shave their hair. The twins lived in a special block, near the barracks dedicated to research and separate from other prisoners, the working area less tiring (runner), had a diet more nutritious and enjoyed an almost complete protection: If stealing were not killed, they could turn freely in the camp and could not be beaten or harmed for any reason by prisoners and by the same SS.
This special treatment allowed the majority of twins to survive for long periods and in most cases to succeed reaching up to the liberation of the KZ to the same work of the Russians (even a few years after their entry). In fact, the chances of survival of the other prisoners than those of identical twins were almost non-existent, counting the fact that many prisoners were gassed just got off the train and not even a night spent in Auschwitz.


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Situation Critical: Hollywood shootout in

Situation Critical: Hollywood shootout in

During a within a bank robbery in North Hollywood, two armed bandits strike nine policemen and two civilians in a battle that has forever changed the police in Los Angeles.

The North Hollywood shootout was an armed conflict that occurred in Los Angeles February 28, 1997 between a pair of robbers, Larry Eugene Phillips Jr. and Emil Matasareanu, and employees of the Los Angeles Police Department including SWAT teams.
During their escape after a robbery at a branch of Bank of America, the two robbers opened fire on police officers intervened to stop them. Ten officers and seven civilians were injured during the shooting that ended with the killing of one of the robbers and the arrest of the second, later died from his injuries before the ambulance. Phillips and Matasareanu had already attacked several armored vehicles before the robbery in North Hollywood, and were known for their heavy armament, which included some automatic rifles.
Police officers at the time were normally fitted with 9 mm pistols and .38 Special, and only some had the shotguns on board their car. The robbers were armed with automatic rifles instead of AK-47 ammunition capable of penetrating guards, officials and police cars, and were in turn protected by body armor. Since the ammunition of the police were unable to penetrate the protective armor of the robbers, all efforts of patrol officers is irrelevant. Were decisive action by the SWAT Squad and the use of several rifles AR-15 requirements by staff at a gun shop near the site of the shooting.
of LAPD patrol cars are now equipped with AR-15 rifles and protected by Kevlar inserts in the doors.
This shooting is told in the movie 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out (2003) directed by Yves Simoneau with Michael Madsen.