Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From Manhanttan To Woodbury Outlet

Wallaby on the Flash Platform: How to Convert Flash CS5 in HTML5 and CSS3

Wallaby is the new tool made in Adobe that allows you to convert your Flash CS5 ( FLA) in HTML5 pages .
Obviously the project - currently in testing - not yet allowed a lot, but our animations (simple) animations in Flash can be as many built in HTML5 cn jQuery and SVG file.
The application has been made of AIR, so you need to have installed on your machine run the Adobe AIR ( free )
order to convert the Flash files step is very simple: just select the FLA file!

Errors, Wallaby will create all the files necessary for us to reuse, modify, etc. .. with Dreamweaver.

The application is free and can be freely downloaded from the site " Adobe Labs.

For more info: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/wallaby/


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